Kulturinitiative RheinMain e.V.
Schwalbacher Str. 72
65183 Wiesbaden
+49 (0)176-47964341
The board of the Kulturinitiative RheinMain (kirm) is responsible for the content of this page:
CEO: Elke Gruhn
Members of the board: Dr. Inez Florschütz / Gerhard Jenemann / Dr. Beate Kemfert / Dr. León Krempel / Gregor Maier / Dr. Naoum Sistovaris (CFO)
Christian Lauer / CLDES Wiesbaden
ocm labs
Account of the Kulturinitiative RheinMain
Frankfurter Sparkasse
IBAN DE65 5005 0201 0000 6704 05
Association registration number
VR.-Nr. 11623 (Amtsgericht Frankfurt)
The contents of these webpages have been carefully formulated and checked. However, Kulturinitiative RheinMain (hereinafter referred to as “kirm”) cannot accept liability for the information supplied being up to date, correct or complete, or for the quality of the information provided. kirm will not accept any liability in the form of claims for damages of a material or nonmaterial nature in connection with the use or nonuse of the information provided or because the information is inaccurate or incomplete, as long as there has demonstrably not been any deliberate or gross negligence on the part of kirm. kirm expressly reserves the right to change, amend or delete information on the site, or to change everything on offer without prior notice or to cancel what has been published.
kirm cannot accept responsibility for content provided by external websites.